Sneak Peek!


Here's Your First Edition!
KPLA Consulting specializes in personal publishing consulting, leading  in the industry by delivering professional publishing and marketing tips and news directly to your inbox bi-weekly. Additionally, as a subscribed member, we welcome you to email your project-specific questions directly to us at You will receive a direct response within 24 hours!

Your subscription also extends to you inclusion in the  exclusive, closed Facebook group The Author's Marketing Arsenalwhere you can connect and interact with fellow authors, share best practices, discuss strategies and get feedback. Go there now to be added, then introduce yourself!

With us in your corner you will always have the inside resources you need to support your writing projects. Each edition will provide you with usable and insightful information from developing your manuscript, to protecting your work, to getting more eyes on your work. You won't want to miss a single issue!

Copyright Right
Did you know that by definition, a work is considered copyrighted at the time that it is actually created, and the "Poor Man's Copyright" offers no legal protection? You can read more about that hereAs a professional author  take the steps to legally protect your work. You can register here
Editor Audit
Before sending your work off to an editor for it's official slicing and dicing, know what kind of editing your work needs. Do you need a developmental editor? Content editor? Line editor?  Who knew editors came in so many flavors? Click here to understand more about editing types then decide which is right for your work.
Reviews News
Great reviews net new readers and increased sales. We're excited to share with you this free and easy platform for submitting your indie-published books for professional review from well-respected industry experts! Creating your profile and submitting your title takes only minutes. Click here to go there now!
KPLA Consulting  a is a division of Kissed Publications and Literary Agency.